The Shared Taxi of Tomorrow

The SAMOBI project aims at the deployment of an IT platform supporting the organization of an effective shared shuttle service at the regional level, integrating route optimization features, web/mobile communication channels and multi-sector coordination.


Algorithmic and combinatorial Optimisation 

Domaine: Transport & logistics 

Asset: OscaR.cbls 



Mobility is a major challenge for our society and is especially challenging in Wallonia and Brussels. To improve mobility, SAM-Drive is developing an on-demand shuttle service. It complements public transportation by providing an answer to specific mobility needs especially for teenagers, schoolchildren, sport practitioners, elderly people, etc.

The project aims at producing an IT platform that can effectively support the effecitive organization such a service at the regional level for all stakeholders: users, drivers, disptachers and local actors.


The expected result is an online platform offering web and mobile interfaces and services for managing bookings, optimization shuttle routes, real time information and billing.

CETIC is mainly contributing to the development of an optimization solution addressing this specific problem on the basis of Open Source OscaR library. CETIC is also involved in the overall design of the platform and its usability.

Added Value

The project will yield the following added values:

  • Extension of the OscaR.CBLS library with "pick-up and delivery" algorithms available in Open Source mode.
  • Efficient deployment and adoption by companies based on the ease of development and maintenance of the optimisation solution.
  • Ability to produce a realistic solution (e.g. taking traffic jam into account)

Partners and web links