
As an applied research center, active at the regional and european level, CETIC is involved in the publication of research results in various conferences and journals related to these fields, as well as documents aimed at industry.
Our policy is to favor contributions that are close to the application fields, based on industrial case studies resulting from the research projects.

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OscaR.cbls 6.0 : Review after 12 years of Continuous Development


Publications scientifiques

OscaR.cbls 6.0 : Review after 12 years of Continuous Development

Thomas Fayolle, Quentin Meurisse, Renaud De Landtsheer, Fabian Germeau, Stefano Michelini, ’OscaR.cbls 6.0 : Review after 12 years of Continuous...

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Enabling Decentralized Collaboration Among Transporters through an Optimizing Trading Network for Transport Orders


Publications scientifiques

Enabling Decentralized Collaboration Among Transporters through an...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Aline Goeminne, and Quentin Meurisse, Enabling Decentralized Collaboration Among Transporters through an Optimizing Trading...

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Modélisation et classification de patrons de l'équité pour la conception de systèmes d'information durables


Publications scientifiques

Modélisation et classification de patrons de l’équité pour la conception de...

Christophe Ponsard, Bérengère Nihoul, Mounir Touzani, Modélisation et classification de patrons de l’équité (fairness patterns) pour la conception de...

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Secure federated learning applied to medical imaging with fully homomorphic encryption


Publications scientifiques

Secure federated learning applied to medical imaging with fully homomorphic...

Xavier Lessage, Leandro Collier, Charles-Henry Bertrand Van Ouytse, Axel Legay, Saïd Mahmoudi and Philippe Massonet, Secure federated learning...

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On the Synchronous Ethernet for a Massive Networking Deployment : Insight Into a Tailored Cosimulated Testbed


Publications scientifiques

On the Synchronous Ethernet for a Massive Networking Deployment : Insight...

A. Bannour, V. Moeyaert, P. Mégret, M. Wuilpart, L. Guedria, L. Decelle, G. Florence, "On the Synchronous Ethernet for a Massive Networking...

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Méta-modèle des concepts et processus d'analyse des risques selon les normes de cybersécurité


Publications scientifiques

Méta-modèle des concepts et processus d’analyse des risques selon les normes...

Christophe Ponsard, Mounir Touzani, Valery Ramon, Méta-modèle des concepts et processus d’analyse des risques selon les normes de cybersécurité,...

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Survey of Automation Practices in Model-Driven Development and Operations


Publications scientifiques

Survey of Automation Practices in Model-Driven Development and...

Christophe Ponsard, Valery Ramon, Survey of Automation Practices in Model-Driven Development and Operations, BotSE 4th International Workshop on...

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Survey and Guidelines about Learning Cyber Security Risk Assessment


Publications scientifiques

Survey and Guidelines about Learning Cyber Security Risk Assessment

Christophe Ponsard, Philippe Massonet, Survey and Guidelines about Learning Cyber Security Risk Assessment, 8th International Conference on...

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Improving Cyber Security Risk Assessment by Combined Use of i* and Infrastructure Models


Publications scientifiques

Improving Cyber Security Risk Assessment by Combined Use of i* and...

Christophe Ponsard, Valery Ramon, Mounir Touzani, Improving Cyber Security Risk Assessment by Combined Use of i* and Infrastructure Models, the...

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Survey and Consistency Checking of Formal Requirements Animations


Publications scientifiques

Survey and Consistency Checking of Formal Requirements Animations

Christophe Ponsard, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Survey and Consistency Checking of Formal Requirements Animations, Formal Requirements 2021 at RE2021...

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Incremental Common Criteria Certification Processes using DevSecOps Practices


Publications scientifiques

Incremental Common Criteria Certification Processes using DevSecOps...

Sébastien Dupont, Guillaume Ginis, Mirko Malacario, Claudio Porretti, Nicolo Maunero, Christophe Ponsard, Philippe Massonet, Incremental Common...

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Goal and Threat Modelling for Driving Automotive Cybersecurity Risk Analysis Conforming to ISO 21434


Publications scientifiques

Goal and Threat Modelling for Driving Automotive Cybersecurity Risk...

C. Ponsard, V. Ramon,J.C. Deprez, Goal and Threat Modelling for Driving Automotive Cybersecurity Risk Analysis Conforming to ISO 21434, 18th...

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Analyse et conception par patrons de l'équité de systèmes d'information durables


Publications scientifiques

Analyse et conception par patrons de l’équité de systèmes d’information...

Christophe Ponsard, Bérengère Nihoul, Mounir Touzani, Analyse et conception par patrons de l’équité de systèmes d’information durables, InforSID 2021,...

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Quality 4.0 - Transparent product quality supervision in the age of Industry 4.0


Scientific papers

Quality 4.0 - Transparent product quality supervision in the age of...

Jens Brandenburger, Christoph Schirm, Josef Melcher, Edgar Hancke , Annick Majchrowski, Rami Sellami, Sebastien Dupont, Marco Vannucci, Valentina...

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A goal-driven approach for the joint deployment of safety and security standards for operators of essential services


Publications scientifiques

A goal-driven approach for the joint deployment of safety and security...

Ponsard C., Grandclaudon J., Massonet P., A goal-driven approach for the joint deployment of safety and security standards for operators of...

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Healthcare Informatics for Fighting COVID-19 and Future Epidemics


Publications scientifiques

Healthcare Informatics for Fighting COVID-19 and Future Epidemics

Chapitre 16 : Explainable Deep Learning for Covid-19 Detection Using Chest X-ray and CT-Scan Images Authors : Sidi Ahmed Mahmoudi, Sédrick...

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Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for COVID-19 classification in chest X-ray images with Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)


Publications scientifiques

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for COVID-19 classification in...

Lessage Xavier​, Mahmoudi Saïd​, Mahmoudi Sidi Ahmed​, Sohaib Laraba​, Olivier Debauche​, Mohammed Amin Belarbi ​ University of Mons, Computer...

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Towards Formal Security Verification of Over-The-Air Update Protocol : Requirements, Survey and UpKit Case Study


Publications scientifiques

Towards Formal Security Verification of Over-The-Air Update Protocol :...

Ponsard Christophe, Denis Darquennes, Towards Formal Security Verification of Over-The-Air Update Protocol : Requirements, Survey and UpKit Case...

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A Very Large Scale Neighborhood Approach to Pickup and Delivery Problems with Time Windows


Scientific papers

A Very Large Scale Neighborhood Approach to Pickup and Delivery Problems...

De Landtsheer, Renaud & Fayolle, Thomas & Germeau, Fabian & Ospina, Gustavo. (2021). A Very Large Scale Neighborhood Approach to...

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A data-thrifty approach to routing optimization


Scientific papers

A data-thrifty approach to routing optimization

Fayolle, Thomas & De Landtsheer, Renaud & Ospina, Gustavo & Germeau, Fabian. (2021). A Data-thrifty Approach to Routing Optimization,...

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Towards Distributed Local Search Through Neighborhood Combinators


Publications scientifiques

Towards Distributed Local Search Through Neighborhood Combinators

Ospina, Gustavo & De Landtsheer, Renaud. (2021). Towards Distributed Local Search Through Neighborhood Combinators, in Proceedings of the...

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Test them all, is it worth it ? Assessing configuration sampling on the JHipster Web development stack


Publications scientifiques

Test them all, is it worth it ? Assessing configuration sampling on the...

Paper at SPLC 2020

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FADI - A Deployment Framework for Big Data Management and Analytics


Publications scientifiques

FADI - A Deployment Framework for Big Data Management and Analytics

Rami Sellami, Faiez Zalila, Alexandre Nuttinck, Sébastien Dupont, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Stéphane Mouton, "FADI - A Deployment Framework for Big...

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Short-term residential district load forecasting: impacts of district size and history length


Scientific papers

Short-term residential district load forecasting: impacts of district size...

Amel Achour, Maher Badri, Benjamin Bernaud, Lotfi Guedria et Mickael Tits: Short-term residential district load forecasting: impacts of...

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0 | 24 | 48 | 72 | 96 | 120 | 144 | 168