Survey and Consistency Checking of Formal Requirements Animations

Survey and Consistency Checking of Formal Requirements Animations

Christophe Ponsard, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Survey and Consistency Checking of Formal Requirements Animations, Formal Requirements 2021 at RE2021 – September 21, 2021

Date: 21 septembre 2021

Publication: Publications scientifiques 


Ingénierie des systèmes IT complexes 

A propos du projet: Flaracc 

Formal requirements are written in mathematical language enabling powerful verification but are complex to validate by domain end-users or stakeholders. Requirements animations answer this problem by providing techniques to
explore system traces and interact with them using domain specific graphical views and controls. Most formal tools include features to ease the development of such animations for different formal notations. However, to be sound, animations require to be carefully designed. This paper analyses major animation frameworks for system design in order to clearly identify their validation scope and purpose. Based on this, it identifies and discusses a number of checks to make sure an animation is welldesigned. Different case studies are used as illustrative support.
