Open Source Software and Linked Open Data Synergy Illustrated by Two Medical Applications

Open Source Software and Linked Open Data Synergy Illustrated by Two Medical Applications

N. Matskanis, J. Roumier, F. Lawarrée, F. Estiévenart, R. Bendaoud, Open Source Software and Linked Open Data Synergy Illustrated by Two Medical Applications, The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum For Education, Networking and Business(Med-e-Tel) 2011, Luxembourg, 6-8 April 2011.

Date: 29 June 2011

Publication: Scientific communication 

Domaine: Health 

About project: PONTE 


The Open Source movement developed a powerful platform of collaboration, integration of ideas and technologies between communities. The same approach has been deployed by the Data creating and publishing communities in the form of the Open Data. Healthcare institutes, governments, media companies and other organisations that hold collections of data are increasingly willing to make this information freely available to anyone who wishes to use it to create applications and services and contribute back to the community.
By adding structure to the data sets, making them easily accessible using URIs and building associations between them, a web of open data is created, known as Linked Open Data (LOD). The content of LOD in the Bio-Medical domain is growing rapidly in strength and popularity both in research and industrial projects. In this article we examine the benefits gained from using LOD in medical initiatives: the Semantic Indexing for Medical Guidelines (SIMG) project and the PONTE EC FP7 project.