Discover how CETIC can boost the development of your MedTech and Biotech business

Discover how CETIC can boost the development of your MedTech and Biotech business

Explore e-Health Innovation with TEF-Health

Dive into the innovative world of medical technology with CETIC’s tailor-made solutions. Our unique range of services has been specially designed to address the specific challenges faced by MedTech and Biotech companies. Discover how we can propel your business to new heights in the exciting field of AI and robotics applied to healthcare.

Date: 28 February 2024

Domaine: Health 

About project: TEF-Health 

Author : Maher Badri

1. Anonymized health datasets

Challenge: The need of anonymized, datasets based on real medical records, essential for conducting projects or analyses focused on improving patient health.

Our strength: CETIC collaborates with the INAH technological platform, which enables secure and ethical access to health data for scientific and statistical research purposes. Users, upon approval of their project, gain access to multicenter datasets consisting of high-quality data from multiple hospitals in Wallonia, facilitating advanced analyses while adhering to high standards of data processing.

2. Statistical information on patient cohorts

Challenge: Simplified access to multicenter statistical analyses to facilitate in-depth clinical studies.

Our strength: CETIC collaborates with the INAH technological platform, which enables secure and ethical access to health data for scientific and statistical research purposes. Users, upon approval of their project, gain access to statistical information on patient cohorts.

3. Software environments preserving confidentiality

Challenge : In the context of developing medical software, it may be necessary to operate within hospital environments, with the constraint of strictly limiting the exchanged information.

Our strength: Acting as a trusted third party, between a hospital and a technology provider, establishing a secure software execution environment that enables the sharing of data processing models without compromising the confidentiality of both the analysis model and the analyzed data.

4. Generation of Realistic Data for Effective Testing

Challenge : In order to test and refine solutions that deal with data, it can be useful to generate test medical data that accurately reflects reality.

Our strength : We can generate realistic test datasets in sufficient quantity to ensure the effectiveness of your trials, tailored to your specific needs, using a tool for describing and generating realistic data, with the addition of a random component.

5. Support and Development of Medical Data Analyses

Challenge : The development of Artificial Intelligence models for the analysis of medical images is complex.

Our strength : We support you in developing AI tools dedicated to the analysis of medical images, as well as in testing and validating these tools in a real medical context.

6.Development Platforms to Simplify Your Processes

Challenge: Collecting data from various diverse sources (devices, interconnected services, etc.) is a complex step typically outside the core business of medtech companies, which aim to focus on analyzing the data.

Our strength : Providing you with tools that automate the collection of data from various sources, making the storage and analysis of medical data more efficient.

7. Interoperability Assessment for Enhanced Compatibility

Challenge : The data standards regarding formats and exchange of medical records have significantly evolved. It is crucial for companies in the sector to utilize modern formats to connect IT solutions.

Our strength : We provide you with a catalog of tools to ensure interoperability of medical data towards FHIR and OMOP standards, thereby simplifying the process of transforming medical data in accordance with the latest specific medical standards.

8. Quality Development - Hardware & Software Design

Challenge : Digital technology is becoming a key factor in new medical solutions. It is essential that hardware and software are designed according to best practices so that the provided solutions are robust, scalable, and easy to maintain over time.

Our strength : Assisting you in implementing AI-based products with a solid, scalable, and secure architecture tailored to your needs.

9. Quality Development - Evaluation of AI Software Quality

Challenge : Assessment of the architectural quality of AI software.

Our strength : High-level assessment based on the Archicheck methodology and in accordance with ISO25000 software quality standards, identifying strengths and weaknesses in the architecture of your solution and providing recommendations and avenues for further analysis.

10. Quality Development - Escrow for AI-based Software

Challenge : The client may request from a software solution provider that a copy of the source code be held by a neutral third party. In the case of AI solutions, training data may also be involved. Security and confidentiality are obviously important.

Our strength : CETIC routinely offers a secure procedure for retaining the source code of software and can extend this to AI-based software by managing and preserving the datasets used, thus demonstrating the ability to reproduce the protected software.

11. Algorithmic Development - Large-Scale Process Optimization

Challenge : Suboptimal planning or logistic processes can hinder the smooth operation or growth of your business or its clients.

Our strength : Solutions for the creation of large-scale optimization, planning, and medical diagnostic algorithms, utilizing a powerful optimization engine.

12. Needs Analysis - Support in Requirement Gathering and Technological Planning

Challenge : Difficulties in identifying the needs of users, clients, and other stakeholders, particularly regarding the development of AI-based products, to ensure a focus on the right challenges

Our strength: Guiding you in gathering requirements, analyzing needs, and technological guidance to steer future development by applying co-creation and co-innovation techniques with the assistance of a network of specialized stakeholders.

13. Quality Development - Cybersecurity

Challenge: Ensuring that computer applications, especially those related to critical domains like healthcare, have a sufficient level of security is complex.

Our strength: Automating security testing helps minimize risks associated with developed components and services. This service focuses on automated penetration testing and functional security testing, not only on computer assets but also on connected devices.


If your company operates in the MedTech or Biotech field and you’re looking to tackle these challenges with innovative solutions, each service is an invitation to get in touch with us today to explore how CETIC can be your trusted partner in this technological revolution.
Contact: Maher Badri +32488491693

These services are part of CETIC’s TEF-Health offering, supported by Europe and Wallonia. For more information:
- On CETIC’s involvement in the Belgian node of TEF-Health
- European website: