Solutions for optimisation of steel plant logistics and product quality

Solutions for optimisation of steel plant logistics and product quality

Solutions applied in Industry 4.0 to track and improve production efficiency

A common goal of many manufacturing facilities is to find the right balance between reducing costs and providing a high quality product to their customers. One way to help find the right balance for your company is to track and improve your production efficiency.

Date: 30 September 2022

Event: CETIC event 


Algorithmic and combinatorial Optimisation 

Co-création pour le numérique 

Domaine: Manufacturing 

About projects

    Industry 4.0  TrackOpt 

During this workshop we will present solutions applied in Industry 4.0, including the outcomes of the recently completed project ‘TrackOpt - Consistent ladle tracking for optimisation of steel plant logistics and product quality‘ that has received funding from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel under grant agreement No 753592.

The overall objective of the project was to implement an automated tracking system for following the positions of the ladles in the steel plant from tapping to casting.
The tracking system led to two main results:

  1. the optimization of ladle logistics and
  2. the online assessment of the aging status of the ladles.


  • 10:00 Welcome
  • 10:10 A dive into the project “Consistent ladle tracking for optimisation of steel plant logistics and product quality” - Birgit Palm (BFI)
  • 10:30 Predictive maintenance of ladles in electric steel plants through AI - Marco Vannucci (SSSA)
  • 11:05 Software tools for optimisation of steel plant production - Nikolaos Matskanis, Gustavo Ospina (CETIC)
  • 11:35 Open discussion
  • 12:00 Networking lunch at CETIC

Attendees can participate in presence at CETIC (Charleroi) or remotely via Microsoft Teams platforme.

This event is organized by the Hub Créatif Charleroi Métropole
HUB-C is a project supported by the ’Fonds Européen de Développement Régional et la Wallonie - En Mieux’

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