IoT for Good

Date: 26-04-2017

Event: External activities 


Scalability of embedded systems and IoT networks 

Asset: 6LBR 

Contact : Lotfi Guedria

More information

Lotfi Guedria will represent CETIC at the "IoT for Good" conference. CETIC will present a demo during the event’s demo session. It consists of an illustration for two open source IoT components, developed by CETIC, that offer increased flexibility in the Internet connectivity of wireless sensor networks as well as enhanced robustness and better means of diagnosis of the wireless sensor network routing issues.
The components are:

  • 6LBR: a border router for 6LowPAN networks
  • Foren6: a tool for capturing 802.15.4 radio messages and visualizing logical links between sensors of a 6LowPAN network


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