Research Center in Information Systems Engineering - UNamur

PReCISE is a UNamur research centre dedicated to the engineering and management of advanced information systems. It brings together expertise covering the entire software development life cycle, from requirements engineering to modelling, testing and evolution.

Activities: Research 

Collaborations: R&D&I Partner 


Nowadays, developing information systems and integrating them into global business services are extremely difficult endeavors. Current challenges include unprecedented levels of complexity, increasingly large numbers of stakeholders, and the necessity to master a growing range of skills, techniques, tools and methods. Mastering such a process requires a high-level expertise and a fine weave of interactions between complementary disciplines, most importantly

Software Engineering and Information Management

. PReCISE promotes scientific research in and across these two disciplines, and ambitions to narrow the gap between them.

The core purpose of PReCISE is the development and dissemination of high quality scientific knowledge in the area of information system engineering and management

. To this end, PReCISE:
