Seminar 'Machine Learning for a smarter world'

Seminar ’Machine Learning for a smarter world’

Creating knowledge from data

Organised by Leuven.Inc in cooperation with imec, this seminar will provide a top-down dive into the opportunities and challenges of applying machine learning in several contexts.

Date: 22 March 2016

Event: External activities 


Data Science 

Scalability of embedded systems and IoT networks 

Contact : Lotfi Guedria

Context and objectives

We have never been surrounded by so many digital devices that produce a vast and continuous stream of data. Opportunities to learn from these data occur in virtually every application field, from personalized healthcare, over advanced factory and home automation to autonomous vehicles and robots.

The challenge, however, is to efficiently make sense from this vast amount of sensory data and extract knowledge on the fly. Solving this challenge requires a close collaboration between the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, micro-electronics and the targeted application domains.

The Flanders region is home to a world-renowned ecosystem on machine learning, with a very tight collaboration between researchers focusing on algorithmic issues, hardware implementations and applications. Machine learning has seen a strong uprise in the past decade and is rapidly and radically changing many technologies.

This seminar will provide a top-down dive into the opportunities and challenges of applying machine learning in several contexts. After an overview of the topic, speakers from academia will present the state-of-the-art findings from the algorithmic and hardware point of view, focusing on real-time and embedded applications. Next, visionary applications in different domains will be presented.


The interventions will be held in English.
The event programme is the following:

16h30: Welcome coffee
17h00: Welcome by Leuven.Inc and Marian Verhelst, Professor ESAT-MICAS group KU Leuven and Chairman of the program
17h15: Learning Machines – An introduction
Luc De Raedt, Professor Computer Science KU Leuven
17h40: Programming Paradigms for Machine Learning
Wannes Meert, Research Manager Machine Learning Group KU Leuven
18h05: Enabling smart devices through efficient hardware
Marian Verhelst, Professor ESAT-MICAS group KU Leuven
18h30: Coffee break
19h00: Wearable Health Solutions: Bringing true value to patients and providers through data science from wearable sensors
Chris Van Hoof, Program Director Wearable Healthcare imec
19h20: AI in the Watson ecosystem
Wouter Denayer, Business Unit Technical Leader BeLux IBM
19h40: Expediting drug discovery through machine learning
Pieter Peeters, Senior Director Computational Biology Janssen Pharmaceutica
20h00: Q&A
20h15: Networking with drinks and snacks

Lotfi Guedria et Jimmy Nsinga from CETIC are attending this event.

Practical information

Date: Tuesday 22 March 2016
Location: imec Auditorium, Kapeldreef 75, 3001 Heverlee
Parking is possible near the venue.

View online : Event url