Energy efficiency for Railway Processes, Products and Services

Date: 8 November 2022

Event: External activities 

Domaine: Transport & logistics 

About project: STARS 

The STARS project gathers 16 railway-related partners in Europe and has the support of 30 key European organisations. It is co-funded by the COSME programme of the EU.

The project aims at helping SMEs boost their digitalisation level and thus their production performance, green transition and innovation capabilities by uptaking Advanced Technologies that can make such change possible.

Advanced Technologies have proved to give competitive advantages and are building the “Future Mobility.” In addition, several of the technologies will foster the future of the Railway & Multimodality industrial meta-ecosystem.

The STARS project will support SMEs to:

  • revisit their organisational/cultural models based on innovative models;
  • acquire better understanding of investment aspects and return-on-investments (ROI) related to the adoption of Advanced Technologies;
  • find funding opportunities for investments,
  • receive training, upskilling and reskilling.

What are the STARS Hack&Match events?

The “Hack&Match” events represent an integral part of the assistance process delivered by the STARS project partners, as we plan to accompany the more “traditional” SMEs during these events, by listening their needs and by stimulating collaborations with “tech-savvy” SMEs for finding potential innovative solutions. This will make both the Hackathon-part and the Matchmakingpart more specific and tailored.

The STARS Partners will organise five Hack&Match events during the project.
The topic of the first one is: “Energy efficiency for Railway Processes, Products and Services.” Participation is free of charge and 100% online.

Why should you participate?

Participating in the STARS Hack&Match events represent:

  • for "traditional" European SMEs operating or wishing to operate in the Railway and Multimodality sector an opportunity to get an overview of different advanced technologies that can be implemented on their companies to develop new features/innovations in their products/services, increase productivity, reduce costs, develop new digital business models and facilitate their green transition
  • for "tech-savvy" SMEs an opportunity to promote their solutions/knowledge and open up new potential collaboration (that will be further developed in the Matching part – registrations are already open:
  • for any other organisation, an opportunity to co-develop ideas and promote partnering opportunities.

The main focus of this first STARS Hack&Match event will be to develop and stimulate innovation and collaborations among more traditional and tech-savvy SMEs on the topic “Energy efficiency for Railway Processes, Products and Services.


Registrations until 26/10/2022

Registration form available here:

Target: in priority Tech-savvy & more traditional SMEs operating/wishing to operate in the Railway and Multimodality sector

28/10/2022: Teams constitution

The constitution of the teams will be announced during the launch of the event by the organisers

28/10/2022 Launch event of the first Hack&Match event (online)


  • Presentation of the STARS project
  • Keynote about challenges of energy efficiency for railway industry
  • Presentation of the Hack&Match event #1 agenda & functioning
  • Tutorship meeting
  • Launch of the teamwork part

Until 08/11/2022 Teamwork part

Each participant will have approximately one week to discover the other companies/organisations in its team and to exchange regularly with them in order to identify common problems and possible solutions together.
The project partners as well as several experts in energy efficiency for railways will be present throughout the Hack&Match event to help, support and challenge the participants in their collaborative innovation process.
All exchanges will take place 100% online into a dedicated web platform.

08/11/2022 5:00 PM End of the workteam part

Each team must deliver its results by filling a template document, provided by the organisers during the teamwork part, summarising the challenge they have decided to address and the solutions they wish to implement to solve it.

08/11/2022 5:00 to 6:00 PM Closure meeting

Last meeting of the event, with all participants, organisers and experts. An opportunity for the project partners to thank all the stakeholders for their involvement and to give the next steps of the event and of the project

End of November Awarding ceremony

Live event on the STARS social medias to announce to the participants the winners of this first Hack&Match event, their prizes and to announce also the topic and the date of the next Hack&Match!


During the whole process described above (and even afterwards), we provide you a B2B meeting platform to meet and exchange with all the participants and stakeholders of the project, all the hack&match events participants & experts and also other companies with an interest in our approach.

An opportunity for your company to meet new business and/or innovation partners!
Registration to the matchmaking platform :