Impacts of size and history length on energetic community load forecasting: a Belgian case study

Impacts of size and history length on energetic community load forecasting: a Belgian case study

June, July and September, 2020 - Online
Bilingual conference/webinars : French and English

Date: 15 September 2020

Event: CETIC talks 

Domaine: Energy and environment 

About project: GAC 

Renewable and recovered energies are increasingly mobilized at the building, village or city level. At the same time, "energy communities" are emerging at the initiative of citizens with the support of local authorities, associations or companies. These transformations are reshaping spaces, institutions and norms governing energy networks, housing or cities and are pushing stakeholders to act. The aim of this multidisciplinary conference is to update and compare the framework, practices and tools of energy communities, which are considered here as local mediation between production and consumption. Expected communications could concern : actors coordination, energy systems regulation, effects of and on inhabited or transformed spaces, and multi-actor methods and tools. In addition to human and social sciences analyses (economics, sociology, urban planning, political science, etc.), we also expect proposals from design sciences.

Conference programm / Webinars schedule

Initially planned in Paris on June 15 and 16, 2020, the conference will unfold as webinars. The sessions will be digital and real-time exchanges will be allowed. They will take place following the agenda :

June 15 10:30 am - 12 pm: Opening session
2 pm - 3:45 pm How regulations are shaping energy communities?
June 16 10 am - 12 pm: How do production/supply/sharing energy communities emerge and develop?
2 pm - 4 pm: Which skills and tools to support energy communities?
June 23 10 am - 12 pm: Opportunities and impacts of digital technologies for energy communities
June 30 10 am - 12 pm: How do community energy design and urban processes fit together?
July 7 3 pm - 4:45 pm: Do community energy projects reshape practices of inhabitants, professionals or local authorities?
September 8 10 am - 12 pm: From tool development/spreading to living energy community project
September 15 10 am - 12 pm: Consumers’ role in the design and management of energy systems: from the individual to the collective

CETIC will participate in the September 15 session and will present the results of the GAC project: IMPACTS OF SIZE AND HISTORY LENGTH ON ENERGETIC COMMUNITY LOAD FORECASTING: A BELGIAN CASE STUDY

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