Combinatorial Algorithmics
Holding a degree in Mathematics from the University of Padua (Italy), Stefano moves to Belgium to pursue his interest in mathematical optimization and obtains a PhD in Economic and Management Science at HEC Liège. After a post-doc as a Research and Teaching Associate at the Chair of Operations Research of RWTH Aachen, he joins CETIC as a Senior Researcher within the COAL team, where he applies his expertise in solvers and algorithms for combinatorial optimization to the development of the OscaR.cbls engine. His research interest include metaheuristics, column generation, routing problems and and graph algorithms.
Publications scientifiques
Thomas Fayolle, Quentin Meurisse, Renaud De Landtsheer, Fabian Germeau, Stefano Michelini, ’OscaR.cbls 6.0 : Review after 12 years of Continuous...
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Communication scientifique
Stefano Michelini, Renaud De Landtsheer, Moisés Silva-Muñoz, Alberto Franzin, Augustin Delecluse, "Bandit Algorithms for Neighborhood Selection in...
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Communication scientifique
Stefano Michelini, Fabian Germeau, A Global Constraint for Modeling Time in Scheduling Problems for Local Search, ORBEL36, Gent, Belgium,...
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