RESERVOIR will be participating at ICT 2010 with both an information stand and a networking session.
The RESERVOIR R&D stand called "Deploying Complex Multi-tier Applications on a Federated Cloud Infrastructure" will be placed in the ICT Connects zone of the ICT2010 conference taking place in Brussels on September 27-29, 2010.
The networking session [Research/Industry Collaboration on Open Source Cloud Middleware" is presented by RESERVOIR in collaboration with SLA@SOI and takes place on September 28, from 11:00 to 12:30. The session aims to identify better ways to collaborate for developing European open source technology for building clouds.
This biennial ICT event has become a unique gathering point for researchers, business people, investors, and high level policy makers in the field of digital innovation. RESERVOIR will be demonstrating there the innovative technologies developed for building clouds.
Research/Industry Collaboration on Open Source Cloud Middleware - Networking Session - September 28, from 11:00 to 12:30
The EC recently highlighted, in an Expert Group’s Report on the Future of Cloud Computing, the need for coordinating open source initiatives between Research and Industry, aimed at promoting the emergence of flexible cloud-based infrastructure-as-a-service offerings. The FP7 RESERVOIR project is making significant contributions in this direction by defining an open federated infrastructure cloud architecture, and delivering a framework of open source components for building infrastructure clouds. The FP7 SLA@SOI project is contributing technology to manage SLAs from the business down to the infrastructure layer. In this networking session we aim to share our experiences and insights to help users, engineers and researchers engaged in cloud deployments to identify better ways to collaborate for developing European open source technology for building clouds. Experiences and insights from these research projects will also be shared to discuss the outlook, future directions and required research activities it would take to position cloud as an ideal substrate for service delivery in the Future Internet. The session will host industrial and academic thought leaders who will animate the discussion, sharing their experience and outcome from collaborations between Research and Industry on key cloud infrastructures deployments, related to RESERVOIR, SLA@SOI and other FP7 projects. Confirmed speakers will be key representatives of ATOS Origin, CETIC, IBM-NESSI, OGF Europe, Canonical, SAP, Telefónica, OW2, THALES, The 451 Group and the University of Madrid.
Deploying Complex Multi-tier Applications on a Federated Cloud Infrastructure - Technology Stand - Zone R4 - ICT Connects
This exhibit will show, via an interactive demonstration, how complex multi-tier applications can be securely deployed on a federated cloud infrastructure. It will also demonstrate how virtualisation and business service management techniques can be used to manage resources and services on-demand, at competitive costs with a high quality of service. This demonstration will present how RESERVOIR innovation will improve consumers’ accessibility to government and business services.