Business Research Alignment
Philippe Massonet is scientific coordinator at CETIC, a Belgian ICT applied research center. His research interest cover the areas of software, service and security engineering, as well as distributed systems such as Grids and service oriented infrastructures. He was recently coordinator of the GridTrust IST European project (Strep) dealing with trust and security in next generation grids, and is responsible for dissemination and security in the RESERVOIR IST European project (Integrated project) led by IBM research. He is currently the coordinator of the PONTE eHealth project that is looking into using semantic web technologies to build decision support systems for the design clinical trials. He is active in the NESSI ETP working groups, and the ERCIM working groups. At CETIC he also works as a consultant for industry and government in his areas of research. He has experience in the prototyping and commercial development of advanced requirements engineering tools. Previously he was manager of the requirements engineering team at CETIC. He has experience in the management of international R&D projects (Eurescom MESSAGE, IST FP6 GridTrust, and FP7 PONTE) and is or has been involved in several IST FP6/FP7 research projects (RESERVOIR, HPC4U, AssessGrid, CoreGrid, GridTrust and Oldes).
A Cognitive Serverless Framework for the Cloud-Edge Continuum
Federated learning for robust, resilient, and adaptive protection of computer...
Cyber Ranges virtualized infrastructure update methodology
Excellence program dedicated to cybersecurity
CETIC talks
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External activities
Belgium’s Cyber Security Awards programme rewards different types of personalities who make a significant contribution to improving cyber...
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Publications scientifiques
Xavier Lessage, Leandro Collier, Charles-Henry Bertrand Van Ouytse, Axel Legay, Saïd Mahmoudi and Philippe Massonet, Secure federated learning...
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Cyber Sécurité
Sur la site de Galaxia à Transinne
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Communication scientifique
Product Incremental Security Risk Assessment using DevSecOps Practices. Sébastien Dupont, Artsiom Yautsiukhin, Guillaume Ginis, Giacomo Iadarola,...
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