IoT Operating Systems

IoT Operating Systems

Organised by IoTBE

IoTBE - the Belgian Internet of Things community – organize an event with CETIC on “IoT Operating Systems”. The detailed topic is “Overview, comparisons and discussions on IoT operating systems, and critical edge component of IoT systems and systems of systems.”

Date: 18 October 2016

Event: CETIC event 


Scalability of embedded systems and IoT networks 

Contact : Philippe Drugmand


  • IoTBE Introduction
  • Contiki overview, the OpenSource solution by CETIC
  • Mapping between RTOS and applications (criteria, choices, etc) by Ben Rodriguez, CEO & CTO, Hipperos sa
  • Windows 10 IoT by Jan Tielens, Technical Evangelist at Microsoft in Belgium, focusing on IoT technologies "Already since the release of the Raspberry Pi 2, Microsoft created a version of Windows 10 that could run on small IoT devices. In this session we’ll explore what Windows 10 IoT actually is, how to write code for it, and when to use it."
  • Networking and Drinks

Practical information

The meeting will take place 18th of October 7PM at CETIC – Aéropole, Avenue Jean Mermoz 28, 6041 Gosselies (Venue: CETIC)

View online : More information and registration