CETIC will participate to the NESSI General Assembly on December 11-12 in Brussels. NESSI is the European Technology Platform dedicated to software and services.
NESSI was launched in 2005 at the initiative of the European Commission and European companies and has grown to a 300+ member organisation dedicated to the shift to a service-oriented economy.
This General Assembly will focuss on NESSI’s steps towards implementation. On December 11, plenary sessions will include presentations of all the steps NESSI is taking to move closer to implementation, including the second volume of the NESSI Strategic Research Agenda, the NESSI research structure and the projects launched to support the delivery of the NESSI Open Framework as well as the NESSI user and SME strategies that are at the core of its 2007 - 2008 activities.
On December 12, parallel working sessions will provide the opportunity to discuss in more details the SME, user and national initiatives topics.
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