Jean-Christophe Deprez, CETIC Scientific Officer, will give a speech at the EYIF InnovationAxess2010 event taking place on the 12th of July at the Brussels European Parliament.
This EU multi-institutional, high-level political event is organised by the European Young Innovators Forum (EYIF), hosted and chaired by Herbert REUL MEP (EPP), Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) with Ms. Neelie KROES, European Commission Vice -President and Commissioner for Digital Agenda and Mr. Vincent Van QUICKENBORNE, Minister for Economy for Belgium and Belgian Presidency Representative as speakers.
InnovationAxess2010 is the first event of the non-profit EU Innovation 2020 série, a set of coordinated, coherent and multi-stakeholder oriented events intended to drive the take-up of Full Lifecycle EU Innovation over the next years. The event and the série will be complementary to and closely follow the implementation of the EU2020 Innovation agenda at both the EU stage and across the member states, at all levels.
The vision for the non-profit EU Innovation 2020 série is multi-year, multi-stakeholder, diverse events and action plans that deliver the following clear impact to support the EU2020 agenda on Innovation:
raise awareness amongst current and future potential citizen innovators of the various EU initiatives and unexploited possibilities at all levels across the EU and the member states
foster an environment of collaborative community building for like minded people, current and future innovators, investors and stakeholders to drive the take-off of Innovation Attitude
reduce structural and financial barriers via focused political, policy and industrial actions
The event also serves as a formal launch at the EU level of the European Young Innovators Forum (EYIF). The EYIF aims to be a non-profit, pan-European networked forum initiative of young citizen innovators and potential innovators with multidisciplinary, multinational backgrounds, who are passionate about the role of Innovation and in particular, Full Lifecycle EU Innovation, in shaping the future of the European Union. The young Europeans driving this initiative were previously leading ’In-Transit’, a Digital Citizen Engagement project for the EU’s 50th Anniversary.
View online : EYIF InnovationAxess2010