Dans le cadre du projet BioMan porté par Biowin et auquel le CETIC et Essencia sont associés, Deloitte présentera un workshop sur l'implémentation d'un MES et la gestion de l'énergie dans le secteur biomanufacturier. (évènement en anglais)
BioWin, essenscia and CETIC, in collaboration with Deloitte, are joining forces for the BioMan project to strengthen, over a period of 2 years, Wallonia’s position among the European leaders in biomanufacturing. In this initiative, the focus will be on the different facets of digital transformation in relation to innovative production methods.
During the workshop, taking place on Tuesday, 29 November in the business village Ecolys in Namur, we will rapidly present the BioMan project with the concrete approaches to support the digitalization that will be proposed to the regional biopharmaceutical ecosystem.
The main topic of the session will focus on digitizing your existing bioprocessing assets.
We will also take a close look at the following two use cases :
16h15 – 16h30 Welcome
16h30 – 16h45 General introduction by BioWin et Deloitte
16h45 – 17h45 What existing assets can you digitize in your bioproduction processes as a first step towards digital transformation ?
From the global picture linked to sector challenges to two practical use cases :
17h45 – 18h00 Q&A session
18h00 – 18h30 Networking
This event will be held in English
Participation is free for BioWin & Essencia members, but registration is mandatory.
Ecolys, Rue des Entrepreneurs, Namur, Belgique
Voir en ligne : https://biowin.odoo.com/en_US/event/bioman-workshop-7/register
Digital Wallonia : https://www.digitalwallonia.be/fr/agenda/bioman-workshop-start-the-digitaliz (...)