Towards Model-Driven DevSecOps for Cyberattack Prevention, Detection and Recovery

Towards Model-Driven DevSecOps for Cyberattack Prevention, Detection and Recovery

Christophe Ponsard, Philippe Massonet, Valéry Ramon : Towards Model-Driven DevSecOps for Cyberattack Prevention, Detection and Recovery. ERCIM News 2022(128) : 0 (2022)

Date: 1er avril 2022

Publication: Communication scientifique 

Thème d'innovation: Cyber Sécurité 

A propos des projets

    CYRUS  CyberExcellence 

Coping with cybercrime in the scope of increasingly open and interconnected systems is a difficult challenge. DevSecOps provide an adequate framework to keep in control of this perpetual race. We show here how it can be efficiently supported by an internal model-based analysis and automation approach together with the external threat intelligence sharing.

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