Towards Data and Security Federation of multiple Steel Plants using a multi-Cluster Environment

Towards Data and Security Federation of multiple Steel Plants using a multi-Cluster Environment

Rami Sellami, Sebastien Dupont, Guillaume Ginis and Nikolaos Matskanis, Towards Data and Security Federation of multiple Steel Plants using a multi-Cluster Environment,

Date: 5 avril 2023

Publication: Communication scientifique 


Ingénierie des systèmes IT complexes 

Domaine: Industrie 

Asset: FADI 

A propos du projet: AutoSurveillance 


Steel production processes use cyber-physical systems of mul- tiple plants interconnected at the Edge and Cloud infrastructures. This raises new challenges and security risks for industrial control systems that often have limited view of the production process, limited compute capacity and scope. It is therefore difficult to run adequate security mech- anisms locally and detect manufacturing process wide anomalies. Thus it is becoming increasingly important to deploy a cross-plant framework for security mechanisms and data integration for anomaly detection. For this purpose we introduce here a multi-cluster Kubernetes based framework. 


Cluster federation · Kubernetes · FADI · Steel Production · Anomaly detection · DevSecOps · SOAR · Vacsine.


This paper is supported by the project “Automatic surveillance of hot rolling area against intentional attacks and faults” (AutoSurveillance GA No 847202), which is partially funded by the EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel.